As the eyes open, and even as the full nation
wakens at last to
the President-Elect!
still a barking teacher or frail spider in air
can signify him--
for a name's something, possibly him, isn't it?
The name
is like the whipping-tail of real strong tides
on which to rise
(or not) that'd like him to die but will not today.
To associate
a garish, thrusting chin with a famous face
largely picked
by families, and their enemies and kin and
then some patriots--
well, it's all that there is. A name can be any tree, too,
or its fruit, or the
spongy white-belly of bark & underside--
it's not just optics
So it's him and he won't (as some think) pollute
anything with just a
resemblance to him or to any lion's ginger mane
or the soft-pawed bear,
will he?
