Some reflections on a favourite American jazz singer coupled with the drive home from work...
Cloud banks won't give an inch, weary of my jolts,
and there on the way home (like the first time) comes up a life— hers!
Cooing to a mike may be too much for a lady who's high. Sluggish weeks arrayed in a row look like streaks on the old old old— (funny that mood in me which wishes a life turn into O'Day and a boozy grin)
A face, hers, Anita's along the road coming to a blue lake is what this is, and with it birds, too, looking like cool asphodels in their own feathery and white and ornamental gloves-- like hers
Sure she'd felt what it was to sing the predawn and a hat spiraling like one. Driving up the road in some ridiculously long and rising way is all it took for me to see O’Day:
the image comprised, in fact, of a trilogy of things things things—like bird, hat & lake—and a cool girl who's high as the moon, all the way home.