A shimmer in eel grass is
all you really are— September freak! See
the toothy smirk
look back at me and
how she snorts and trails
after wearying day: see
the long leggy drag
of hers
She’s eye-bald and all that,
a dragon tower rising
a good long time over this, that—
cold magical power
Thanks to the shiny clasps
loosed on
a full and formless night,
anyone can see right
thru her!
She’s a cool moon!
Notable’s her work
(she’s the sail to my lone ship on a two-thirds sea!): she’s a triple crown worn low, a heart-gusher, as well as a kind of pale sun spun round & round! Like the steam-breathing roes, lying numb struck, without quinoa, without passion, I love her & run myself hard with it, from dale to brook east and west By the hands I need to feel with, I feel my jacinth queen! So lives the heart, at times seeing the edges of a rotund eel-grass moon , & two cruel hooks for hacking at quinoa & at me