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Macky (a fish parable)

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

who eats a whole rat gnawed down to the bristly bone is the same that swims in cold pink;

screwing the mouth to the side, he sends a sin streaming out of its guts on a lovely 'lil bubble;

and nor if he's ever caught on a pike's discarded lure, eyes poked through, does he care the least bit.

For down in the deep end of every lake, among the tads, stoked and powered by a profligate few

a sinning macky, who's driven by spite!, nips at the eel, even as he strays into tides looking

for weeds & rusty hulls. For a scaly sot born to eat shit will keep on going, just like the silty

mouth-piece for an intolerable world he'll always be!


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