(for my wife)
Maria's smile is like pearls dangled from a darning needle, like the harlequin of smiles, sweetly like a pearly tulip spun on its stem; or a trim face over a languid doll neck, or all of a lilac in a wide panting field; a smile from all of these:—pearl, needle and stars spun on bright. A smile, near-astral, on which to gorge awhile, with the lips' gauche tilt, a sweeping front; a champagne of a smile, in pixie groves, each cheek a rose on a mud-sated vine. Like all the soft-stroked, bird or leaf, a smile set to a dusky, scented moon. In ruby trim, sprightly and warm a smile to vanish into the heart-gladdening eye— the eye mostly!—pettish days try sparking and bob-tailed nieces wear like a charm. Out of all these: candy floss or puppet soft rising light on the wings of a damselfly.
