Not defined just by largeness or a propensity for sleep, he rears on two clumpy
paws just for me (or was it a child's voice filtering through air holes?)
Spooky's as good as the sign--no decorative borders!--that pictures the perfect DSH with tragic homelessness. The strays come from in and around brown spaces
and nettles,-you see, a breeding ground for lethargy & largeness, and two sunken eyes coated by deep grief- & lie lop-sided (even in their dreams!) in a glass cage
Spooky's prison here is somebody's idea of the free society of discarded felines to be seen
at just this appropriate spot ( to be tucked away perhaps in a child's layered heart , at last!)
I think all it'll take is a quick gentle sweep over the furry nape to close the deal, cats like him recruited quickly to the cause of companionship and ending up in a new half-
empty glass home, just like mine
